The Odyssee-Mure project has joined forces with the Leonardo ENERGY webinar platform, an initiative of the European Copper Institute, and the European Council for an Energy Efficiency Economy (eceee), to launch in 2023 a new webinar series called the "Energy Efficiency Academy". It will delve deep into the key themes of the EU's Energy Efficiency Directive recast which came into force on 10 October 2023. These webinars will explore topics such as the importance of the Energy Efficiency First Principle (EE1) in the EED, the progress towards achieving energy efficiency targets, the exemplary role of the public sector, closing the gap to EED 2030 targets, the heating strategy within the EED, addressing energy poverty, and highlighting the significance of sufficiency.

Find all the recordings of the webinars on the project's youtube channel

09 October 2024
Energy Efficiency in District Heating and Cooling: Tools and Policies
In this webinar, we will discover key insights into energy efficiency in district heating and cooling, including trends in heat consumption, simulation tools for carbon reduction, and the impact of efficiency labels on sustainable energy systems.
Speakers: Anna Volkova, PhD, Professor at Tallinn University of Technology ; Igor Krupenski, CEO at Enerhack ; Siim Umbleja, Managing director at Estonian Power and District Heating Association
Link to register:
18 September 2024
Policy options for efficient domestic water heating in southern Europe
While the EU has made notable progress in improving energy efficiency—achieving a 7.7% reduction in residential energy consumption in 2022 compared to the previous year—there remains a significant challenge in reducing energy usage for domestic water heating. Efficiency in this sector has remained stable, showing little progress in recent years. This webinar will delve into innovative solutions and policy measures that southern European countries have implemented to tackle this issue, aiming to further decarbonize domestic water heating.
Speakers: Mark Anthony Callus (The Energy and Water Agency of Malta)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
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04 September 2024
The role of Energy Efficiency First in climate policy: A complement, not a contradiction
Policies to combat climate change involve transformative measures that both support and challenge the Energy Efficiency First (EE1) Principle: the adoption of energy-efficient technologies and processes is fundamentally aligned with the EE1 Principle, but efforts to decarbonize and implement IT solutions for flexibility may significantly increase energy demand. This presentation examines these contradictions and explores potential solutions to address them.
Speakers: Barbara Schlomann and Wolfgang Eichhammer (Fraunhofer ISI)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
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10 July 2024
Alleviating energy poverty: Policies and measures in the EU
Energy poverty is a multifaceted issue that extends beyond income poverty. It refers to the inability of households to secure adequate energy services, including heating, cooling, lighting, and powering appliances. Detecting, measuring, and addressing energy poverty requires understanding regional variations, vulnerable groups, and the interplay of affordability and access. This webinar will provide an overview of how energy poverty is reflected in current energy efficiency policies and measures implemented in the EU Member States, based on the MURE database.
Speakers: Paweł Gilewski (Polish National Energy Conservation Agency)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
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25 June 2024
EU energy efficiency trends and targets
The EU has set ambitious energy efficiency targets across all sectors. This webinar will explore the changes taking place in terms of energy consumption and improvements in energy efficiency, analysing the state of the energy transition at the EU level. It will highlight key energy efficiency trends, drivers of growth in energy demand, and quantify energy savings in each sector. It will further explore how recent policy have been contributing or will contribute to closing these gaps.
Speakers: Bruno Lapillonne and Estelle Payan (Enerdata) and Wolfgang Eichhammer (Fraunhofer ISI)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
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05 June 2024
Tackling energy poverty in the context of the Energy Efficiency Directive
The new Energy Efficiency Directive has strengthened its provisions on energy poverty in the context of an energy crisis. This underscores the significant role of energy efficiency measures in addressing energy poverty. This webinar will share experiences in this field, specifically examining how policies are designed to reach priority groups. The speakers will provide an overview of measures already implemented by Member States, focusing specifically on those reported for their energy savings obligations. The cases of the private rented sector and rural energy poverty will be discussed to illustrate the need to tailor measures to specific situations.
Speakers: Veronika JIŘÍČKOVÁ (European Commission), Samuele LIVRAGHI (IEECP), Solenne TOUM (ATEE), Stefan BOUZAROVSKI (University of Manchester) and Marta GARCÍA PARÍS (Ecoserveis Association)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
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17 April 2024
Incentive schemes for energy efficiency in public buildings
Energy efficiency in the public sector plays a pivotal role in curbing energy consumption in Italy. This webinar highlighted two key measures implemented under the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) to address this imperative: The Italian Programme for Energy Renovation of Buildings, and the Thermal Account initiative.
Speakers: Laura RONCHETTI (Department Unit Energy Efficiency, ENEA) and Rossana VISONE (Energy Efficiency Analyst, GSE spa)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
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3 April 2024
The role of municipal energy counsellors in Sweden
In Sweden, municipal energy advisors offer free, technology-neutral advice to the general public, organizations, and small and medium-sized businesses on all matters related to energy. The webinar addressed the role of these counsellors in achieving energy efficiency targets, and how their expertise can benefit individuals, organizations, and businesses alike.
Speakers: Rurik HOLMBERG (Swedish Energy Agency) and Janina HIRSCH (Swedish Energy Agency)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
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14 February 2024
The exemplary role of public buildings: What’s new in the EED recast?
The EED highlights the exemplary role of the public sector, and especially public buildings. The EED recast reinforces these requirements, aiming at transforming existing public buildings in nearly zero-energy or zero-emission buildings, and extending the scope to all public buildings. This webinar provided an overview of examples of measures implemented by Member States to improve energy efficiency in public buildings. It also discussed how these measures can play an exemplary role to trigger energy savings beyond public buildings.
Speakers: Jean-Sébastien Broc, Dimitris Athanasiou (IEECP) and Alan Ryan (SEAI)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
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7 February 2024
The European Energy Efficiency Scoreboard 2023
The European Energy Efficiency Scoreboard assesses the energy efficiency performance of EU Member States across sectors, based on the Odyssee-Mure databases. The scores are based on three main components for each country: energy efficiency level reached, energy efficiency progress, and the impacts of energy efficiency policies. This webinar presented the 2023 edition of the Scoreboard, which includes the latest energy efficiency data and policy impacts.
Speakers: Wolfgang Eichhammer (Fraunhofer ISI/Utrecht University/IEECP) and Nils Borg (ECEEE, Borg&Co)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
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14 December 2023
Energy efficiency in Greece: Overall indicators and the distance to targets
Greece’s National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) defines energy efficiency targets and measures to be implemented across all sectors by 2030, such as annual energy savings targets for the periods 2017-2020 and 2021-2030. The government is strengthening building codes and aiming to improve the energy performance of public and private buildings. It is supporting the uptake of electromobility and investing in improving recharging infrastructure. Measures to promote energy efficiency in industry include energy audits and support for efficient equipment. How far is Greece from achieving these targets?
Speakers: Dimitris Mezartasoglou (Center for Renewable Energy Sources)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
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7 December 2023
IEA's Energy Efficiency 2023 Report: Key findings and a chance to discuss with Lead Authors
The IEA Energy Efficiency 2023 Report examines the global energy efficiency landscape and identifies key opportunities and challenges for governments. This year’s report highlights the need to double global progress on energy efficiency this decade to get on track for net zero by 2050. The report also explores the role of energy efficiency in inclusive transitions, digitalization, and innovation. IEA published its report on November 29th, at the start of COP28.
Speakers: Lucas Boehlé and Clara Camarasa (IEA)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
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29 November 2023
Energy efficiency trends in transport sector in the EU
The EU has an ambitious transition goal for the transport sector. This webinar analysed the state of this transition and looked at how fast changes are taking place in terms of energy consumption and improvements in energy efficiency. It showed the main drivers of growth in energy demand in transport and quantified energy savings. This webinar analysed in particular energy efficiency trends in the EU since 2010 and the impact of COVID-19 in 2020.
Speakers: Bruno Lapillonne and Estelle Payan (Enerdata)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
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18 October 2023
Energy Efficiency Academy (opening session) – The Energy Efficiency Directive recast: Can we close the gap to 2030 targets?
EU's new Energy Efficiency Directive, which is part of the “Fit for 55” package and the “REPowerEU” plan, increases the EU's ambition for energy efficiency and establishes a stronger legal framework to enable the EU to meet its goals, in particular the 2030 EU energy efficiency target. The "Energy Efficiency Academy" begins with an opening dialogue between Niels Fuglsang, Member of the European Parliament and rapporteur for the Energy Efficiency Directive recast, Claudia Canevari, Head of the Energy Efficiency Unit at the European Commission, and Arianna Vitali Roscini, Secretary General at The Coalition for Energy Savings.
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
More information
8 March 2022
Addressing the Energy Efficiency First principle in the national energy and climate strategy of Cyprus
When designing energy and climate policies, EU Member States have to apply the Energy Efficiency First Principle: priority should be given to measures reducing energy consumption before other decarbonization interventions are adopted. This webinar summarizes elements of the energy and climate policy of Cyprus illustrating how national authorities have addressed this principle so far, and outline challenges towards its much more rigorous implementation that is required in the coming years.

Speakers: Theodoros Zachariadis (Cyprus Institute)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
15 February 2022
Auctions for energy efficiency and the experience of renewables
Auctions are an emerging market-based policy instrument to promote energy efficiency that has started to gain traction in the EU and worldwide. This presentation provides an overview and comparison of several energy efficiency auctions and derives conclusions on the effects of design elements based on auction theory and on experiences of renewable energy auctions. We include examples from energy efficiency auctions in Brazil, Canada, Germany, Portugal, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK, and US.

Speakers: Barbara Schlomann and Vasilios Anatolitis (Fraunhofer ISI)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
3 February 2022
Energy Efficiency First – Retrofitting the building stock
Retrofitting the building stock is a challenging undertaking in many respects - including costs. Can it nevertheless qualify as a measure under the Energy Efficiency First principle? Which methods can be applied for the assessment and what are the results in terms of the cost-effectiveness of retrofitting the entire residential building stock? How do the results differ for minimization of energy use, CO2 emissions and costs? And which policy conclusions can be drawn?

Speakers: Martin Patel (University of Geneva)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
18 January 2022
Impacts of Energy Efficiency Funds in Europe
The Energy Efficiency First Principle is a key pillar of the European Green Deal. A prerequisite for its widespread application is to secure financing for energy efficiency investments.
This presentation discusses the contribution of Energy Efficiency Funds to the financing of energy efficiency in Europe. The analysis is based on the MURE database on energy efficiency policies. As an example, the German Energy Efficiency Fund is described in more detail.

Speakers: Barbara Schlomann (Fraunhofer ISI)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
30 November 2021
Recent energy efficiency trends in the EU
This webinar analysed energy efficiency trends in the EU for the period 2014-2019 and the impact of COVID-19 in 2020 (based on estimates from Enerdata).
The speakers presented the overall trend in total energy supply and in final energy consumption, as well as details by sector, alongside macro-economic data. They explained the main drivers of the variation in energy consumption since 2014 and determined the impact of energy savings.

Speakers: Bruno Lapillonne and Laura Sudries (Enerdata)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
12 October 2021
Identification of energy savings from the EU ETS through top-down indicators from ODYSSEE-MURE
The webinar analysed the main interacting mechanisms between the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and the EU Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and presented a detailed top-down approach, based on the ODYSSEE energy indicators, to identify energy savings from the EU ETS.
As a result, the work identifies the contribution to greenhouse gas emission reductions resulting from energy efficiency improvements, triggered by EU ETS, in both ETS industry and the energy sector.

Speakers: Wolfgang Eichhammer (Fraunhofer ISI)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
4 October 2021
Energy efficiency, structural change and energy savings in the manufacturing sector, with special focus on Denmark
The webinar presented the energy efficiency improvements in the manufacturing sector since 2000, and the role of structural change between the different branches and energy savings, based on ODYSSEE data.
It then focused on the development in Denmark and compared the energy efficiency improvement, corrected for structural change, with the reported savings from the Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme.

Speakers: Peter Bach (Danish Energy Agency)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
28 September 2021
Energy Sufficiency Indicators and Policies
The webinar looked at how energy sufficiency is measured, which policies and measures can be used to address energy sufficiency and how they are used in Europe today.
Energy sufficiency refers to a situation where everyone has access to the energy services they need, whilst the impacts of the energy system do not exceed environmental limits.
The level of ambition needed to address energy sufficiency is higher than in the case of energy efficiency.

Speakers: Lea Gynther (Motiva Oy)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Recording of the Q&A: View the recording of the Q&A online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
30 March 2021
Energy efficiency trends in transport
This webinar addressed the following key questions:
  • What has been the overall trend in transport energy consumption in the EU and other European countries since 2000?
  • What are the main drivers for the energy consumption variation in transport, and in particular for the energy savings?
Speakers: Laura Sudries and Bruno Lapillonne (Enerdata)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
8 December 2020
Energy efficiency in buildings in the EU
This webinar addressed the following key questions:
  • What has been the overall trend in final energy consumption of buildings in the EU since 2010?
  • What are the main drivers of the energy consumption variation, and in particular energy savings, for residential and service buildings?
Speakers: Marie Rousselot and Bruno Lapillonne (Enerdata)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
29 October 2020
CO2 emissions of vehicles: a broad and persistent problem
This webinar investigated why he transport sector has not seen the same decline in greenhouse gas emissions as many other sectors.
Speakers: Norbert Ligterink (TNO)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
25 June 2020
Energy efficiency trends in the EU: Have we got off track?
This webinar analysed energy efficiency trends in the EU for the period 2000-2019 with the following key questions:
  • What has been the overall trend in final energy consumption and by sector in the EU since 2000?
  • What are the main drivers of the energy consumption variation since 2000, and what has been the impact of energy savings?
  • What are the trends in energy efficiency at a country level?
Speakers: Laura Sudries and Bruno Lapillonne (Enerdata)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.

Archives 2016-2018

In the framework of Odyssee-Mure, Enerdata with support from Fraunhofer ISI coordinated webinars mainly targeted at public authorities (at national, regional or local level). Webinars hosted by Leonardo have been scheduled from November 2016 and March 2018, and were based on the Odyssee-Mure policy briefs on energy efficiency.

1 March 2018
Multi-level governance: linking up local, regional and national levels for delivering integrated sustainable energy action planning and projects
This webinar provided an overview on the practice, that goes by the name of Multi-Level Governance (MLG), firstly defining and framing the concept of governance and then showing how the MLG scope and mechanism vary according to the leading governance style.
Speakers: Stefano Faberi (ISINNOVA)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
The webinar is based on a Odyssee-Mure brief published in February 2018: Multi-level governance: linking up local, regional and national levels to deliver integrated sustainable energy action plans and projects
1 December 2017
Impact of the economic crisis on the EU's industrial energy consumption
This webinar presented the impact of the economic crisis on the EU's industrial energy consumption and addressed the following key questions:
• To what extent is the decrease in the EU’s industrial energy consumption after the economic crisis due to energy efficiency improvements?
• What has been the impact of changes in production level of industrial branches?
Speakers: Francis Altdorfer (Econotec)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
The webinar is based on a Odyssee-Mure brief published in April 2017: Impact of the economic crisis on the EU's industrial energy consumption
7 September 2017
How are Member States implementing Articles 7 and 8 of the Energy Efficiency Directive?
This webinar provided an overview of the requirements of two important articles of the EED, and their implementation by Member States – Article 7 on energy efficiency obligation schemes, and Article 8 on energy audits and energy management systems.
Speakers: Anna-Liisa Kaar (Ricardo Energy & Environment) and Rebecca Turner (Ricardo Energy & Environment)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
The webinar is based on a Odyssee-Mure brief published in March 2017: How are Member States implementing Articles 7 and 8 of the Energy Efficiency Directive?
31 May 2017
Improved energy efficiency in Dutch industrial companies through applying regulations more strictly
This webinar presented the improvement of energy efficiency in Dutch industrial companies due to more strict application of regulations.
Speakers: Harry Vreuls (Netherlands Enterprise Agency)
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
The webinar is based on a Odyssee-Mure brief published in March 2017: Improved energy efficiency in Dutch industrial companies.
15 March 2017
Energy efficiency developments in ETS industry
This webinar presented the effect of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme on energy efficiency developments in ETS industry.
Speakers: Joost Gerdes, ECN
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
The webinar is based on a Odyssee-Mure brief published in February 2017: Energy efficiency developments in ETS industry.
25 January 2017
Energy efficiency networks in industry
This webinar presented the concept of Energy Efficiency Networks, their contribution to remove energy efficiency barriers, and their main successes and failures.
Speakers: Barbara Schlomann, Fraunhofer ISI
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
The webinar is based on a Odyssee-Mure brief published in November 2016: Energy Efficiency Networks.
16 November 2016
Energy efficiency trends in EU industry
This webinar analysed energy efficiency in industry in the EU with the following key questions: What are the main energy efficiency trends by sector in industry in EU countries? What are the main drivers of the industry’s energy consumption variation since 2000, and in particular what has been the impact of energy savings? How can we benchmark and score the different countries?
Speakers: Bruno Lapillonne and Karine Pollier, Enerdata
Recording: View the webinar recording online.
Presentation: Download the presentation as PDF.
The webinar is based on a Odyssee-Mure brief published in July 2016: Energy efficiency trends in industry in EU countries.