09 October 2024
A public webinar will take place on 09 October: Energy Efficiency in District Heating and Cooling: Tools and Policies
18 September 2024
Two public webinars took place on September:
04 September: The role of Energy Efficiency First in climate policy: A complement, not a contradiction
18 September: Policy options for efficient domestic water heating in southern Europe
10 July 2024
A public webinar took place on 10 July: Alleviating energy poverty: Policies and measures in the EU
25 June 2024
Two public webinars took place in June:
5 June: Tackling energy poverty in the context of the Energy Efficiency Directive
25 June: EU energy efficiency trends and targets
17 April 2024
Two public webinars took place in April:
3 April: The role of municipal energy counsellors in Sweden
17 April: Incentive schemes for energy efficiency in public buildings
14 February 2024
Two public webinars took place in February:
14 February: The exemplary role of public buildings: What’s new in the EED recast?
7 February: The European Energy Efficiency Scoreboard 2023
14 December 2023
Two public webinars took place in December:
14 December: Energy efficiency in Greece: Overall indicators and the distance to targets
7 December: IEA's Energy Efficiency 2023 Report: Key findings and a chance to discuss with Lead Authors
24 April 2023
The project is organising its first meeting in Zagreb on April 24-26 2023, followed by a training on energy efficiency indicators and impact evaluation of policies dedicated for new comers of the project.
08 March 2022
3 webinars have recently taken place:
- 3 February: Energy Efficiency First – Retrofitting the building stock
- 15 February: Auctions for energy efficiency and the experience of renewables
- 8 March: Addressing the Energy Efficiency First principle in the national energy and climate strategy of Cyprus

30 November 2021
On November 30th the Odyssee-Mure project hosted a live webinar: “Recent energy efficiency trends in the EU” (by L. Sudries and B. Lapillonne, Enerdata).
28 September 2021
3 webinars have recently taken place:
- 28 September: Energy Sufficiency Indicators and Policies
- 4 October: Energy efficiency, structural change and energy savings in the manufacturing sector, with special focus on Denmark
- 12 October: Identification of energy savings from the EU ETS through top-down indicators from ODYSSEE-MURE

30 March 2021
On March 30th the Odyssee-Mure project hosted a live webinar: “Energy efficiency trends in transport” (by L. Sudries and B. Lapillonne, Enerdata).
14 December 2020
The Odyssee-Mure project has organised 3 training sessions dealing with energy efficiency evaluation on November 30th (Session 1), December 7th (Session 2) and December 14th (Session 3).
08 December 2020
On December 8th the Odyssee-Mure project hosted a live webinar: “Energy efficiency in buildings in the EU” (by M. Rousselot and B. Lapillonne, Enerdata).
12 November 2020
The project has organised its second meeting which was held online on November 12.
29 October 2020
On October 29th the Odyssee-Mure project hosted a live webinar: “CO2 emissions of vehicles: a broad and persistent problem” (by N. Ligterink, TNO).
07 July 2020
Update and redesign of the MURE database on energy efficiency policies and measure in Europe

The MURE database has been updated with most recent policies and measures that are implemented in EU28 countries and Norway, Switzerland and Serbia. It has been redesigned to improve its user-friendliness and functionalities. The user is rapidly guided to the required information, thanks to an improved front end-user interface and navigation features.

Access the MURE database
25 June 2020
In June 25th the Odyssee-Mure project hosted a live webinar: “Energy efficiency trends in the EU: Have we got off track?” (by L. Sudries and B. Lapillonne, Enerdata).
23 April 2020
The Odyssee database and the tools on energy efficiency indicators (Key indicators, Market diffusion, Decomposition, Comparison, Energy savings) have been updated.
17 December 2019
The project has organised its first meeting in Berlin on December 16- 17 2019, followed by a training on energy efficiency indicators and impact evaluation of policies.
10 December 2018
New! Dedicated tool on multiple benefits of energy efficiency now available ! visit it here.
Also available reports on the same topic here.

26 April 2018
26-27 April 2018
Third workshop of the project ODYSSEE-MURE, in Austria (Vienna) hosted by the Austrian Energy Agency.
06 October 2017
2015 energy efficiency indicators now available for all EU countries and Norway into the ODYSSEE database.
30 June 2017
Latest 2015 data now available into the ODYSSEE database.
22 June 2017
Second workshop of the project ODYSSEE-MURE (22-23 June 2017), in Malta hosted by "The Energy and Water Agency".
Presentations are available here.
08 September 2016
First meeting of the project “ODYSSEE-MURE, a decision support tool for energy efficiency policy evaluation” (08/09 September 2016).
Presentations available here.
22 May 2015
Fourth project workshop on energy efficiency focusing on buildings and industry (21/22 May 2015).
Presentations available here.
03 October 2014
Third project workshop on energy efficiency focusing on transport, in Croatia hosted by EIHP.
Presentations available here.
17 February 2014
The second project meeting took place in London on 30-31 January 2014 hosted by the Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC) and Ricardo-AEA.
Presentations available here.
05 February 2014
MURE database on energy efficiency measures and policies updated with more than 2000 measures for all EU countries (plus Norway).
03 February 2014
Two new tools on energy efficiency indicators launched
Market diffusion facility: interactive tool presenting market penetration of efficient equipment, buildings or efficient practices in Europe together with the penetration of alternative energies and renewables at end-use level.
Decomposition facility: interactive graphs presenting the drivers of the energy consumption variation by sector.
29 November 2013
Energy efficiency indicators through the ODYSSEE database updated up to 2011.
20 May 2013
The first meeting of the project was organized by STEM in Stockholm on May 16-17 2013.