Energy consumption trend by industrial branch

The decrease of energy consumption concerns most industrial branches… however with different magnitudes

  • Chemicals, non-metallic, paper and food industries contribute to more than 2/3 of industry energy consumption in the EU. Chemicals is the largest consumer (22% in 2021), followed by non-metallic (18%), paper (15%) and non- metallic minerals (12%).
  • Energy consumption of steel and non-metallic minerals have strongly decreased since 2000 (-28% and -19% respectively). Textile energy consumption has dropped by 68%.

Energy consumption of industry by branch (EU)

  • At country level, the situation is very different from one country to another. Chemicals is the main industrial consumer in 9 EU Member States. Paper and pulp is the most important branch in Scandinavian countries (Sweden and Finland), Portugal, and Austria.

Energy consumption by industrial branch (2021)