
Monitoring EU Energy Efficiency First Principle and Policy Implementation

Newsletter n°2 - July 2020

Update and redesign of the Mure database on energy efficiency policies and measure in Europe

MURE Database

The Mure database has been updated with most recent policies and measures that are implemented in EU28 countries and Norway, Switzerland and Serbia. The database contains more than 2500 detailed measure descriptions, with ~40% of them with impact evaluation.

The Mure database has been redesigned to improve its user-friendliness and functionalities. The database user is rapidly guided to the required information, thanks to an improved front end-user interface and navigation functionalities.

Access the database

The energy saving tool available on the Odyssee-Mure website has been improved and updated

The objective of the tool is to compile trends and targets for the primary and final energy consumption and for energy savings. Following this update, the energy savings from Article 7 can be compared with cumulative top-down Odyssee savings.

Access the energy saving tool

Webinar on energy efficiency trends in the EU

In June 25th the Odyssee-Mure project hosted a live webinar: “Energy efficiency trends in the EU: Have we got off track?” (by L. Sudries and B. Lapillonne, Enerdata).

The main findings of the authors indicate that since 2014, there has been a higher progression of the final energy consumption than the primary energy consumption, due to significant changes in the power mix and an increasing efficiency of the thermal power generation. Simultaneously, energy efficiency improvements have led to significant energy savings, but these progresses are partially offset by activity. The authors also conclude that EU 2020 target on primary consumption will be easily reached due to the COVID crisis which will decrease consumption by 5 to 10% in 2020. EU target to 2030 should not be reached with present trends and requires additional measures, which is the purpose of Article 7.

The webinar reached a large audience with 359 participants and about 200 views of the webinar recording.

Download the presentation and read the brief.

Publications from countries


Energy efficiency in Poland

The report on energy efficiency in Poland evaluates energy efficiency progress during the 2008-2018 period and gives an overview of energy efficiency policies and measures. It was prepared by Statistics Poland, a partner in the project, based on data of the Odyssee database.

Energy efficiency trends in Switzerland

Regina Betz, from the ZHAW School of Engineering of Zurich and who is directly implied in the Odyssee-Mure Project, presented a paper at EAERE Conference 2020 June 24th, in the Session: "Lessons learned from carbon pricing and environmental regulation: A firm perspective."
Fauceglia, D., Müller, T., Leu, T., Betz, R. (2020) How Do Firms Respond to a Rising Carbon Tax?

News from the project


Update of the Odyssee database

The updating process of the Odyssee database for year 2018 has been launched in April. The database will be online in September.

Project workshop

The Odyssee-Mure project will held its second international Project Workshop in November. The workshop will be hosted in Sofian, Bulgaria (depending on the COVID-19 situation).
Odyssee Logo


Unique database on energy consumption, its drivers and energy efficiency indicators for all EU countries (+ Norway, Serbia and Switzerland) updated to 2017.
Mure Logo


Database on energy efficiency policies and measures. Valuable and trusted policy tool including recent measures by country.
PDF Logo

Analysis report on energy efficiency

Reports, country profiles, sectoral profiles etc, freely available on the Odyssee website.